
The Play “Lovers dance in bed”


This Black Square theater project is a wide popular. A full house, which we gathered by devoted to this performances, other theaters could only dream about in the most explicit and impossible dreams. So, the time has come. Let’s talk openly about it. This performance is about what devious, sometimes unimaginable paths a couple (though not always just a couple) use or do not use to have sex, and what a fancy way of trying to escape from the consequences later. What happened that man and woman are in the same bed? What is worth doing, and that we should not talk about? And what does happen by itself? What happens next? Will something change inside us after all this? These are the questions of this project, for which actors will seek answers.

Only 18+

Check out the rules of the «Caribbean Club». We remind you that during an air raid it is recommended to take shelter: the nearest is the "Universitet" metro station (400 m).
Last News

11 December CLOSED


We are very happy to announce that the X Ambassadors concert will take place on March 15, 2022!


✨Caribbean Club✨ opens its doors and is glad to see guests!
