
Performance “Take off your clothes – let’s talk!”

Ticket price: 350—690 HRN
Start time
Doors open

Show “Strip Down — Let’s… Talk!” – a fresh hit from the creators of the famous “A-la Kobelya” duology that promises unforgettable emotions and plenty of laughter.

Bold Humor and Provocative Topics:

Theater “Chornyi Kvadrat” takes on the beloved theme of erotic relationships between “M” and “F” once again, unveiling it with their signature subtle humor, provocation, sharp jokes, and unexpected plot twists.

Signature Style of “Chornyi Kvadrat”:

The theater is renowned for its unique approach to themes and its ability to touch a nerve. This new hit is a vibrant continuation of their previous works, such as “A-la Kobelya” and “Before and After Sex.”

An Evening for Adults:

The show is rated 18+. Enjoy not only the humor but also the sharp, adult themes rarely seen on stage. A storm of passions will unfold, where love will be examined as nothing more than sex with obstacles. But what to do when there’s a catastrophic lack of sex and too many obstacles? The solution will surprise you: it’s time to pull out the skeletons from the closet!

Get ready for candid conversations. Leave your shyness at home and come enjoy an evening of adult humor.

Check out the rules of the «Caribbean Club». We remind you that during an air raid it is recommended to take shelter: the nearest is the "Universitet" metro station (400 m).
Last News

11 December CLOSED


We are very happy to announce that the X Ambassadors concert will take place on March 15, 2022!


✨Caribbean Club✨ opens its doors and is glad to see guests!
