
“résonance” – Rock Club Tour


«Résonance» Group, though, formally is a part of the Chamber Symphony Orchestra, as well as it is often referred to the number of modern rock bands, in fact, is neither one nor the other.

The repertoire of the group is not just rock music. Their music has long been part of the golden fund of humanity; it is music, created by the most talented people on the planet.

This concert program offers a new look at the essence of the song. Discarding patterns, the listener reaches the heart of the product, exactly what the composer originally put up inside. And the glow of brilliant rock music becomes more open and professional approach of musicians, wealth of violins, fine of violas, charm of cellos, power of bass, and rock ‘n’ roll freedom drums make it rich and colorful, including through the elaborate arrangements especially for group «Résonance».

The musicians of «Résonance» are teachers of conservatories, philharmonic and opera theaters musicians in the past, touring around the world, as well as honored artists.

Fan-zone – free space intended for enjoying the event without a specific predestinated seat.

Check out the rules of the «Caribbean Club». We remind you that during an air raid it is recommended to take shelter: the nearest is the "Universitet" metro station (400 m).
Last News

11 December CLOSED


We are very happy to announce that the X Ambassadors concert will take place on March 15, 2022!


✨Caribbean Club✨ opens its doors and is glad to see guests!
