
The Play “Masculine, the singular …”


The Play “Masculine, the singular …”.

Brilliant performance by well-known French authors Jean-Jacques Bricker and Moris Lasegue. For some reason, this performance-holiday is almost always associated with the New Year for the audience. The work is full of sparkling humor and as if designed for those who need to cheer up. Easy and pretty darn nice! Greasy and delicious jokes, as well as the excellent acting work.

The plot is the most incredible: Frank Harder, Colonel US Army, imposing man in years, turn out to be transgender and the mother of a young Frenchman Louis. He changed his sex, name and place of residence, but could not cope with the maternal instinct, so he came back to France … How will react on an appearance of Frank Maria Luisa her ex-husband, son and closest friend is the main intrigue and point of the farce. Tantrums, cries, tears, blackmail, laugh, forgiveness, understanding, intimacy and love, love, love! Have you already imagined “Santa Barbara”? Not this time, everything here is more honest and … incredible! You will experience the mixture of feelings from complete misunderstanding and delusion to joy and pleasant coincidences. This all is about paradoxes of our lives. French chansons are the musical arrangement of the performance.

Check out the rules of the «Caribbean Club». We remind you that during an air raid it is recommended to take shelter: the nearest is the "Universitet" metro station (400 m).
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11 December CLOSED


We are very happy to announce that the X Ambassadors concert will take place on March 15, 2022!


✨Caribbean Club✨ opens its doors and is glad to see guests!
