
“Kablýkamı po Brýschatke” & Nravitsa Planet


14 December don’t miss the charity double concert at Caribbean Club!

   Two bands. One life. The main concert purpose – to save our friend’s life. When we’re together – everything is possible.

   Kablukami po Bruschatke (KpoB) is a band of good mood, tenderness and charisma.

The band is a super-finalist «X-Factor» show.

   Every song is a little play with wild dances and sincere happy songs about life and love.

The band has made its hard way from theatrical stages and symphonic orchestras to the big concert stages, festivals and Ukrainian TV projects.

   KpoB always perform the unforgettable shows!


   NRavitsa Planet is the band from Kyiv formed in 2014.

During the 4 years of activity, the band released 2 albums and 8 video clips.

The band has taken a part in «X-Factor» show, were the resident of «Mamahohotala» show and composed the soundtrack for «Infogolic» film.

   NRavitsa Planet band records the third album that will be released in 2019.

Fan-zone – free space intended for enjoying the event without a specific predestinated seat.

Check out the rules of the «Caribbean Club». We remind you that during an air raid it is recommended to take shelter: the nearest is the "Universitet" metro station (400 m).
Last News

11 December CLOSED


We are very happy to announce that the X Ambassadors concert will take place on March 15, 2022!


✨Caribbean Club✨ opens its doors and is glad to see guests!
