11 December CLOSED
“Adult Games” is absolutely unique stamping from the romantic comedies plant, it has a big beautiful label, because it is from a separate workshop. The way of telling the story is quite unusual, but it does not make a picture just another cloying story of Romeo and Juliet.
With all the attributes of such performances, this one is different, because of narrative ease and at the same time presenting interesting thoughts about love before and after sex, mixing with the alloy of sincere friendship and trust, while adding neat bits of humor.
The opening night is really good. You bet could be done not only on Alexei Kurilko but also on Natalia Kazantsev. Actors coped with their task to “hurray”. They are not only interesting people with a crazy charm and charisma but also magic professionals. They act quick and easy, enjoying the process. You want not just believe them, but really trust.
To sum up, the performance will blow your mind with an incredible dose of positivity mixed with the giant portion of jokes.
Starring: Alex Kurilko, Natalia Kazantsev
Note: we start on time, but we can delay the performance of no more than 15 minutes for the lovers of jams;